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Emergency Eye Care in Reno, Nevada

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When Accidents Happen, We Can Help

Eye emergencies can happen even when you do your best to protect your eyes. At Dr. Jennifer L. Shane & Associates, we leave space in our schedule to accommodate emergencies. If we cannot see you immediately, please seek the nearest medical clinic in the Reno–Sparks–Carson area.

Call us immediately and let our administrative staff know you need medical attention due to an eye emergency.

Common Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies take many forms and can happen anywhere. Some common eye emergencies include:

  • Head trauma
  • Corneal abrasions or scratches
  • A foreign object in the eye
  • Chemicals in the eye
  • Sudden changes in vision
  • Partial or complete vision loss
  • Thick yellow, green, or white discharge from your eye(s)
  • Sudden increase or changes in floaters
  • Flashes in your vision
  • Blood in front of the iris (please find the nearest emergency facility)

Even the most seemingly mild eye injury can lead to complications or potential vision loss. Not all injuries are immediately noticeable, and only a thorough eye exam can properly detect the extent of an eye injury.

Emergency Action You Can Take Yourself

In some cases of injury, there are things you can do to help reduce damage before getting to a doctor.

If you have experienced a chemical burn or a chemical has entered your eyes, immediately flush your eyes with cool, clean water for at least 15 minutes. Your eyes may feel better immediately, but it is important to continue rinsing for the full 15 minutes to rid your eyes of as much chemical as possible. After flushing your eyes, head to an emergency facility.

If you have experienced a chemical burn or a chemical has entered your eyes, immediately flush your eyes with cool, clean water for at least 15 minutes. Your eyes may feel better immediately, but it is important to continue rinsing for the full 15 minutes to rid your eyes of as much chemical as possible. After flushing your eyes, head to an emergency facility.

When you have something small in your eye, like pet hair, makeup, or dirt, you can remove these bits by flushing them out with clean water, artificial tears, or blinking. Never use tweezers in or around your eyes.

Larger or sharper items, like glass or metal, can cause more damage and require medical attention to remove. If this happens, do not rub your eye. Call us immediately or visit your nearest emergency room.

If your eye is cut, scratched, or something has punctured your eye, you will require medical attention. To protect your eye from further injury before getting help, please:

Gently cover your eye with something that can act as a shield, like the bottom of a paper cup taped around your eye.
DO NOT rub or apply pressure to your eye.
DO NOT rinse with water.
DO NOT take any painkillers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen.

Getting hit in the eye or face can cause several eye injuries, such as a black eye, corneal abrasion, or retinal detachment. If you get hit in the eye, gently apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.

If you develop a black eye or experience vision changes even after a light blow, call us immediately or visit your nearest emergency room. Your injury may be more serious than it looks.

Visit Our Office In Reno

We are located on Reno Corporate Drive off of Longley and Barron Way. From Longley off McCarran, turn east onto Barron Way then south on Reno Corporate Drive. We will be on the right. From Double R heading toward Longley, turn north on Reno Corporate Drive. Proceed on Reno Corporate Drive to the last driveway before Barron Way, and we will be on your left

Contact Information

Phone: 775-852-3937


5385 Reno Corporate Drive #100
Reno, NV 89511

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM5:30 PM
9:00 AM5:30 PM
9:00 AM5:30 PM
9:00 AM5:30 PM
9:00 AM5:30 PM
By Appointment Only

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